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Sport Premium

Following the success of the 2012 London Olympics, the government provides additional funding each year to improve the quality and breadth of Physical Education (PE) in primary schools.

At Nene and Ramnoth School we will be using some of the money to pay for a subscription from the Witchford Schools Sports Partnership who will work alongside teachers in lessons to increase their subject knowledge and confidence in PE. They will also provide lunch time and after school clubs.

The Witchford subscription will also enable children to participate in competitions within school and enter inter-school competitions in the local area. 

We also plan enrichment activities which encourage our children to discover new sports such as BMX, speed skipping and athletics.

Money will also be used to pay for the hire of the local swimming pool and a qualified swimming teacher.

Use the links below to view the latest Sport Premium Report for our school:

Latest Report: Sport Premium 23-24 (including review)

Sport Premium 23-24 (including review)


Previous Report: Sport Premium 22-23 (including review)

Sport Premium 22-23 (including review)