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Our Art curriculum fosters a love of the arts by giving our children opportunities to develop their skills by experimenting with the key elements of art: line, colour, texture, shape, form, space, tone and size.  They achieve this through drawing and sketching, painting, printing, sculpture and creating patterns.  Children also learn about great artists, architects and designers in History. Children are taught to develop their techniques using a range of art and design materials.  In EYFS and Key Stage 1 children have a wide range of free choice art experiences as well as more directed activities. These experiences are then developed, extended  and embedded in KS2. 


Children create detailed sketch books to record their observations, sketch and practise different techniques and use them to review and revisit ideas. To enrich the Art curriculum we invite local artists to school and use our local environment . Art is accessible to all children, regardless of ability, and is a fully inclusive subject as children are taught to take pride in their efforts and appreciate the work of others.

We celebrate children’s work through displays around school, increasing their sense of enjoyment and achievement and showcasing the progression of skills across the year groups.


Arts Award

Last academic year the children took part in an Arts Award, in conjunction with local community Arts company '20Twenty'. As part of this project the children enjoyed a fantastic visit to The Royal Opera House in London to watch The Nutcracker.  They also had visits from a television production company who showed them some of their 'behind the scenes' work. 
The Arts Award moderator came to see the work the children had produced as part of the project and reported that "it is very evident that the young people involved have enjoyed and engaged brilliantly with some rich arts experiences and that as a result they have produced thoughtful, reflective and creative responses....this is a fantastic project. Well done..."


  The following video was made by the East Anglia schools who took part in the TEFAT tour!


This work also helped us to achieve the 'Artsmark' Silver Award from the Arts Council England, who visited school to assess our creative work and reported that:
" You have used your Artsmark journey to develop a bespoke theme-related art and wider cross-curricular curriculum that meets the needs of your pupils and is representative of your school. You have considered how you plan for progression and are using sketchbooks throughout the school to enable students to track their own progress. Children are engaged in, and excited by, opportunities to develop and display their talents. You have considered how your curriculum is representative of wider society through the artists and authors you study. You offer an inclusive arts curriculum to your pupils with SEND.....Students have taken part in projects with artists and arts organisations, including visiting the theatre, performing and displaying their art works."







Ways to help your child with Art at home: