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The names of the Reception-Year 2 classes are inspired by the book 'The Lost Words'. The book began "as a response to the removal of everyday nature words from a well known children’s dictionary, because they were not being used enough by children to merit inclusion. But The Lost Words then grew to become a much broader protest at the loss of the natural world around us, as well as a celebration of the creatures and plants with which we share our lives, in all their wonderful, characterful glory." (The Lost Words website)


The Year 3-Year 6 class names are in recognition of inspiring people, past to present.

The Early Years Foundation Stage of Nursery and Reception are based at Nene.  There are two Nursery classrooms and three Reception classes - Acorn, Bramble and Conker. 

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 also have three classes in each year group:
Year 1:  Bluebell, Fern and Heather
Year 2:  Otter, Starling and Wren
Year 3:  Mary Anning, Bessie Coleman and Isaac Newton
Year 4:  David Attenborough, Sylvia Earle and Jane Goodall
Year 5:  Tim Peake, Katherine Johnson and Helen Sharman
Year 6:  Charles Darwin, Galileo and Greta Thunberg

The work undertaken may be organised in a variety of ways which result in a mixture of individual, group, class and whole year teaching.  Our organisation is thoughtfully planned to ensure that children are grouped appropriately for each task.  Our teachers work closely together with joint planning and assessment time so that the children have quality of provision across the year groups and Key Stages.