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Curriculum Statement

At Nene and Ramnoth we have carefully designed our curriculum to ensure that it is enriched with engaging, purposeful and quality learning experiences. 

Our curriculum provides broad and balanced opportunities which aim to drive a life-long love of learning as well as positive learning behaviours which help our children to grow as individuals as well as learners.

When children join us in Reception they follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. Every child in Key Stage 1 and 2 then accesses a curriculum which enables them to develop interest, skills, knowledge and understanding in both the core and foundation subjects of the Primary National Curriculum. 

We also recognise the need for a broader curriculum which allows our children to use and extend their knowledge and experience of the wider world so that they develop and possess the building blocks essential for becoming successful adults in the world in which we live today. We are driven towards helping them to make a positive contribution to their local community and the wider society, live healthy lifestyles, be moral citizens and take opportunities to extend their horizons.
To see our whole school curriculum overview for this academic year, click the button below:

Whole School Curriculum Overview

Year Group Curriculum Overviews

 Reception             Year 1              Year 2

                       Year 3              Year 4   

                      Year 5              Year 6