Online & Home Learning
Google Classroom for Year 2 - Year 6
The login details for your child can be found on a sticker in their reading record books. These details will get your child logged on safely to 'Google Classroom' where they can access the work set by the class teacher. Click on the buttons below for step-by-step guides to logging on and getting started:
Year 3 - 6 Google Classroom Guide
Tapestry Online Learning for Reception and Year 1
Tapestry is the software used in Reception and Year 1 to upload photos, learning evidence and journal entries of your child's experiences throughout their time in Early Years/Year 1. Parents/carers are able to view their child’s progress and the activities provided for them, whilst also uploading their own comments and media.
It also helps to enhance the vital communication between school and home to build a shared understanding of how every child can reach their full potential.
Tapestry Click the button for access to Tapestry
The Elliot Foundation Home Learning Site
The Elliot Foundation have published a home learning support site for children, parents and staff. It also contains links to software that the children use at home, such as TT Rockstars and BBC Bitesize.
To access the home learning site click here
Reading Information for Parents/Carers
Reading is the key to a child’s future life chances and as such we want to provide you with as wide a range of lovely online reading books as possible.
We have invested in two main online library sites; 'Big Cat Books' and 'Get Epic', for you to be able to access many books at the appropriate phonic or Accelerated Reader level for your child.
Click on the button below to open the instruction document:
Big Cat & Get Epic Instructions