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Science is a core part of the curriculum at Nene and Ramnoth School and is taught every week, either through dedicated lessons linked to that term’s Science topics or through more informal ‘recap and remember’ sessions.  Our whole focus is on raising children’s knowledge and understanding of Science through well planned, interesting and engaging lessons that inspire and motivate our pupils to be the best they possibly can. 

In Key Stage 1 and EYFS, our aim is to build our children’s confidence in Science through raising the profile of Science and giving our children many opportunities to get ‘hands on’ and explore and experiment.  We believe in showing our children that Science is accessible to everyone and they experience Science in a number of different ways, through Science lessons, making links with other subject areas and also through play.

The aim of Science teaching in lower Key Stage 2 is to provide children with the opportunities to broaden their scientific view of the world around them.  There is a strong emphasis on exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena. The principal focus of Science teaching in upper Key Stage 2 is to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding of a wide range of scientific ideas. This is achieved through pupils asking their own questions about scientific phenomena and being able to set up and monitor their own experiments.

The Science curriculum is further enhanced through visits out of school, visitors working with the children in school (including specialist STEM teachers) and also using our own school grounds.  In addition to this we have Science days where the emphasis is on experimenting and making science fun and “hands on”!  Throughout all key stages there is a strong emphasis on learning to read and spell scientific vocabulary!

Thinking and working scientifically is at the heart of how we teach Science.  The message, ‘know, apply and understand’, is repeated throughout the year groups to ensure the children have the best possible chance to excel.


Ways to help your child with Science at home:

Below are some links that have some good experiments you can try at home as a family: