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Knowledge Organisers & Homework Challenges

 We use Knowledge Organisers as a way to plan what we will be teaching and learning within each subject, they contain some of the information that children should learn based on the theme for each half term.  These organisers highlight key vocabulary and knowledge which will be important to learn and understand during that half term.  The Homework Challenges are closely linked to the Knowledge Organisers and we encourage all children to take part.  These challenges encourage the children to explore our local town and area too.  We have found these challenges are a great way to engage children and families alike as they learn new things together.  At the end of each half term parents are invited to see the Homework Challenges on display. Click on the buttons below to access the Knowledge Organisers and Homework Challenges for your child's year group:

Reception                Year 1                    Year 2

                           Year 3                        Year 4

                           Year 5                       Year 6

 Homework is an important part of school life that helps children to continue their learning experiences outside of school. Details of our homework expectations for the children are detailed below:

Years 1 & 2                    Years 3 & 4                Years 5 & 6