School Admissions Policy for 2023-2024
The Elliot Foundation Academy Trust (TEFAT) has determined the admissions policy for entry into the academic year 2023/2024.
This can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
Admission Policy for Nene School 2023-2024
Admission Policy for Ramnoth School 2023-2024
Applicants applying for places for September 2023 onwards will be considered using the admissions criteria within these policies.
School Admission Policies for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
TEFAT has also determined the admission policies for both schools for the following academic years - click on the links below to view:
Admission Policy for Nene School 2024-2025Admission Policy for Ramnoth School 2024-2025
Admission Policy for Nene School 2025-2026
Admission Policy for Ramnoth School 2025-2026
We work closely with our Local Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council) who manage the admissions and waiting lists on our behalf. Please contact them if you have any admission queries.
Area served by the School
The area of Wisbech enclosed in the west by the east side of Churchill Road and Elm High Road; in the south and east by the Norfolk border; and in the north Lynn Road even numbers to 96, to the junction of Clarkson Avenue, Clarkson Avenue, Staithe Road and Stow Road numbers 81 and upwards.