Quick Links

Quick Links

The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust

We are proud members of
The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust.

The Elliot Foundation
Pyramid House
144 York Way
N1 0AX

Telephone: 0207 278 7131

Click on the button below to visit their website:

The Elliot Foundation Academies Trust

Information about The Elliot Foundation Trustees can be accessed by clicking below:

TEF Trustees

The Elliot Foundation Annual Report to Parents and Carers for 2023 can be seen by clicking the button below:

Annual Report 2023

The Elliot Foundation is governed by the Academy Trust Handbook which sets out the financial management, control and reporting requirements which apply to all Academy Trusts.  To view this, click on the button below:

 Academy Trust Handbook 

Financial information about our school, such as the financial policies we follow and The Elliot Foundation Trustees Annual Reports can be found below:

TEF Financial Info

The Funding Agreements for both schools can be accessed below:

                         Nene                                       Ramnoth

Schools financial benchmarking

On this Government website you can compare a school or trust's income and expenditure with similar establishments in England. You can also find your school or academy trust's financial data and see how it compares with others.
