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Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club takes place every school morning. 

At the Ramnoth base, doors open at 7.45am and the last breakfast is served at 8.00am.
At the Nene base, doors open at 7.50am and the last breakfast is served at 8.05am.

The cost is £2.50 per day, per child and is payable in advance, through ParentPay, our online payment system.  If your child is entitled to Pupil Premium, they can attend free of charge.

You will also be asked to book your child's place in advance, using a Google Booking Form which will be sent to your phone via a text message at the beginning of each month.

If a debt of more than 5 days is accrued, the debt must be cleared before your child can return to Breakfast Club.  At the end of Breakfast Club, children are taken to class by school staff.