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Religious Education (RE)

Religious Education (RE) will engage, inspire, challenge and encourage children. It will equip them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions. They will develop a more rigorous understanding of the many religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multi-cultural society. Out teaching of RE enables children to combat prejudice, preparing them for adult life, employment and life-long learning.

All children follow an enquiry based course of RE using the 'Discovery' Syllabus which covers the six main world religions. The agreed syllabus ensures an entitlement to learning in RE. This is irrespective of social background, culture, race, religion, gender, differences in ability and disabilities. It contributes to the development of children’s knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes. These are necessary for their fulfilment and development as active and responsible citizens. The Agreed RE Syllabus  provides continuity for the transition of pupils between schools.

The children study six different faiths: Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Within these faiths we encourage tolerance of all the beliefs and views and allow the children to:

  • Acquire knowledge
  • Respond thoughtfully
  • Develop morally
  • Develop socially
  • Develop spiritually
  • Develop culturally


We enrich our RE curriculum through visits to local churches and other religious places of worship. Visitors to school are used to broaden the children’s understanding of faith. The children also learn through art, cooking, drama, dance and music.  All children are involved in regular acts of collective worship as required by the Education Act of 1988.  Again, these assemblies are broadly Christian in nature but, we also recognise and celebrate religious beliefs and festivals of other cultures. Parents have a right to withdraw their children from Religious Education, collective worship or both. Parents considering exercising this right are asked to discuss this with school, so that alternative provision can be organised. 

Ways to help your child with RE at home:

  • Share your own beliefs and traditions.
  • Visit these useful websites: RE Online  and  The School Run: RE
  • Using the Festival calendar, investigate different traditional festivals - sample new foods and learn new stories behind the religions.
  • Visit different places of worship - many places welcome visitors from other faiths and it is a great opportunity to help children to understand the diverse world we live in.